Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I hope I haven't lost my mind

In less than 11 months, I will be embarking on a new adventure--my first and probably only ironman triathlon. The most I've ever swam is 1 mile, the most I've ever biked is 60 miles and the most I've ever run is 13 miles. I didn't do all of those things the same day. Each was its own activity for the day and pretty much wiped me out. But here I am, signed up to do the ironman in switzerland in 2010.
I'm nervous but excited. And just when I feel confident that I can do it, I try to go for a 6 mile jog and struggle through the last 5 miles and realize it's going to be a monumental task. But then I think about the reason I"m doing it and think about how lucky I am to have the opportunity to do it.
Every morning I wake up is the first day of the rest of my life and every yard I swim, every stroke I take on my bike and every step I run is something I'm fortunate enough to do. So when I start to complain that I can't run anymore or swim (and I am sure there will be plenty of those days), someone please remind me that I should be grateful to have this opportunity. And when I'm struggling to finish those last miles, I will remember why I decided to take this journey--to raise awareness and hopefully some money for a worthwhile cause.
And I'm lucky enough not to be doing this alone but to be doing with friends who will inspire and motivate me. And most importantly, friends who will make this fun. I'm talking to you Sara and Borko--please let us not turn into those people whose life is only about training for the ironman. Otherwise, you will have to deal with one unhappy camper who is going to be whining for the next 11 months.

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