Monday, September 28, 2009

Has Anyone seen my Rose Colored Glasses?

I lost them. The rose-colored shades through which I was looking at this Ironman and all of the training leading up to it have come down.

I found myself awake from 3:00-6:00am this morning. As I lie in bed, wishing I could either fall back to sleep, or muster enough energy to get up and be productive, all I could seem to count were the miles that I did NOT run over the weekend. I was supposed to do a 10 mile run on Sunday. It was the last long run before my first half marathon this coming Saturday. When I got up at 6:30am on Sunday it was raining and rather than wear a jacket and run in the rain or hit the treadmill at the gym, I sat in my pajamas on the sofa in my cozy little apartment, sipping espresso. For the 12 hours between when I got up and when friends would be arriving for Sunday Dinner, I did everything I could possibly imagine to fill the hours except to go for my run.

Last week, I was in love with training. I was happy. I was enthusiastic, and embraced the challenge brought by each workout. To anyone who told me that I was nuts for doing an Ironman, I responded with a huge smile and through a little giggle would say, "I know, I have totally lost my mind, and its going to be great."
Today, I am not feeling so great about any of this. Someone seems to have poked a hole in my little bubble of naivete and I am not floating on endorphins anymore.

Borko came to my place for Sunday Dinner last night and brought me a copy Becoming an Ironman. In an attempt to salvage my enthusiasm I am going to go home and start reading tonight. I just hope that I can find those glasses - I miss my rosey outlook on this triathlon life.


  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa - when did you start READING?!

  2. I know!!! Desperate times...
    I can't drink this week so I gotsta do SUMPTHIN'

  3. Hey Superwoman! We are all entitled to some espresso sometimes. Besides:" Caffeine is one of the best-tested ergogenic aids (substances, devices, or practices that enhance an individual's energy use, production, or recovery) and is known to help athletes train harder and longer. Caffeine stimulates the brain and contributes to clearer thinking and greater concentration." (source:

  4. Gerti! I love you! Will you bring me some espresso in Switzerland? I think that the caffeine worked to make me clean my apartment, do laundry, organize my closet, teach Sunday school, and cook two large pans of lasagna that day - but not to run. You are right though! Caffeine is a wonder "drug"
